Jul 24, 2009

Holy no blog for 10 months!

WOW nearly 10 months since my last blog! WOW how pathetic at blogging am I? Oh well! I am melting although it isn't as hot tonight as it has been! I need AC, and insulation, and a new house and all sorts of other STUFF that I don't really need, but would make life so much nicer! Ahhhh a nice breeze! Yep, it is the small stuff! Oh and NCIS on TV!

Oct 26, 2008

The Family ROCKS!

So, I have this family, it is like no other. I am neither biologically nor legally related to any member but they are MY family. #1 - Bobby Joe #2 - Kathy #3 - Megan G #4 - Aiz #5 - Heidi #6 - Megan O (by adoption too!) #7 - Sue (by fostering) #8 - Beth #9 - Patsy (because she didn't want to be #10 to J's #9 so bumped her up!) #10 - Jillian Where do I fit in? Why, I am Mum to this brood of wonderful, strong, funny, smart, beautiful women. They are there for me. I am there for them. We are family. Let's break out the Sister Sledge and get our groove on. Love you all more than you will ever know and am grateful for each and everyone of you and your uniqueness. Mum xxxxxxxxxx oooooooooo

Sunday Sunday, day of rest or invasion of privacy?

So Sunday's are supposed to be a day of rest right? Well, just got a call from one set of bosses: Can I go move their van out of the parking spot into a parking lot and then move it to the street tomorrow! Yeah and I thought my life was boring and no-one would want to read about it! Now, don't you all feel better about your own lives? Come on be honest!?! I have apple turnovers in the oven and rice pudding in the crock pot, it's 73ºF and I want winter comfort foods! Yeah, great! OK got to go get dressed so as soon as my turn overs are baked I can run three towns over on a Sunday, did I mention it was Sunday? :::sigh::: Got to get a life so it can be interrupted! Catch ya next time!